BrandXP serves an ace for City of Perth

BrandXP recently helped the City of Perth bring to life and raise awareness about its sponsorship of the Mastercard Hopman Cup. The Brand Agency’s bespoke brand experience division achieved this by creating an experience that united fans of different cultural backgrounds through their mutual love of tennis.

A fun onsite activation called ‘Scream For Your Team’ was developed to enhance the fan experience, add vibrancy to the event and in turn build advocacy for the City. Fans were able to get creative by customising their own clap-banners and collecting a country flag or an ‘I ❤ Perth’ flag at the City of Perth Sign-Making Station.  Over the seven days of the tournament more than 5,000 people interacted with the activation and over 85,000 country flags were distributed to spectators.

Inside the arena, spectators were encouraged to show their support for their favourite team by waving their flags, holding up their clap-banners or ‘screaming’ for their team. The most passionate fan won a fantastic Perth City experience. The competition allowed the City of Perth to support local businesses with games televised to an international audience.

“People going to the Hopman Cup are passionate about their tennis and their cultural heritage, so it was just a case of bringing the two together. It was fantastic to see so many people engage with the activation, sometimes the simplest ideas are often the best and this one certainly captured people’s imagination,” said Head of BrandXP, Erin Keenan. 

Click on the link below to read the full article on Campaign Brief.

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